TaBliz Connection Strings

ADO Data Sources

TaBliz Enterprise allows you to manage any ADO data source. You have to specify a valid ADO Connection String in the ConnectionString propery. Then you need to set the Recordset property to an existing table or view.

SQL Server

Here is a sample to add a new record in Microsoft SQL Server 6.5 and above or Microsoft MSDE.


  • Server = TheServer
  • Database = TheDataBase
  • User Name = TheUserName
  • User Pasword= ThePassword
  • Table or Query = TheTable


dim TBLZ
Set TBLZ = Server.CreateObject("Tabliz.AdminRecordset")
TBLZ.ConnectionString="Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Persist Security Info=False;" & _ 
                      "User ID=TheUserName;Password=ThePassword; " & _ 
                      "Initial Catalog=TheDataBase; Data Source=TheServer"
TBLZ.recordset = "TheTable"


Here is a sample to add a new record in Oracle. You need to configure the OLEDB provider on the machine where TaBliz is running.


  • ServiceName = TheServiceName
  • User Name = SCOTT
  • User Pasword= TIGER
  • Table or Query = TheTable


dim TBLZ
Set TBLZ = Server.CreateObject("Tabliz.AdminRecordset")
TBLZ.ConnectionString="Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle.1;Persist Security Info=True;" & _
                      "User ID=SCOTT;PASSWORD=TIGER;Data Source=TheServiceName;"
TBLZ.recordset = "TheTable"